Book on human trafficking helps woman confront her own addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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Jan 31, 2020 – For more than two decades Nancy Yarbrough Banks has helped free women from the bonds of sex trafficking and addiction. Now, her book, “The Exodus, Where New Beginnings Happen.” is giving people hope.

Jan 31, 2020 – “I get up with great intention to help somebody because I know help was given to me!” asserts Yarbrough.

Her book comes with a journal to help victims break free of addiction and abuse. Yarbrough founded the Fresh Start New Beginnings shelter. It helps women and children find a safe place away from the streets.

“I want to be there for somebody so they can know our darkest moments can have a whole lot of light. They’re created by the choices you make afterlife,” says Yarbrough.

Terri Woodley uses the book to motivate her though she has never been trafficked.