Binge-Drinking Is Even Worse Than We Thought - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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March 16, 2018 – They found that binge-drinking was most common among adults between the age of 18 and 34, but more than half of all binge drinks consumed were by adults over the age of 35 (so when the 35+ crowd binges, they really binge). Four out of five binged-drinks were consumed by men, which could mean men drink more than women when they drink (very likely), or that men are more inclined to binge than women, or a combination of the two (another possibility is that women are more inclined to under report, either consciously or unconsciously). People reporting lower household income and lower educational levels “consumed substantially more” than those in higher income and education brackets. Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Hawaii reported the highest number of binge drinkers, while Washington, DC, New Jersey, New York, and Washington State were ranked at the bottom.

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