ART of Intervention Project Experts with Rob Lohman and 21 Experts - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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JUNE 30 – JULY 30, 2020 –  Meet Teresa Porter: mother of three and owner of Sirrine Studio and Sirrine Yoga. In 2008 when the recession hit, she and her husband were expecting their third daughter … and they suddenly lost everything. She knew she had to take drastic measures to maintain her identity while preserving what she loved most. That time in her life was so emotionally impactful that it has taken years for her to be able to talk about it without tearing up.

Teresa has been blessed to work with clients for over 20 years and has seen first-hand that there are definite commonalities among people who are High Performers. In order to help more people to put these same principles into practice, she decided to compile the research she’s collected into an online interview series. The series will provide insight into how these 21 experts learned to reconnect with themselves at their core, to unplug from societal norms, to finally dispose of the toxic stories they’ve always told themselves, and to remove the negative labels they’d been given that were ultimately holding them back from achieving success.
