America’s Three Biggest Addictions - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Jan. 12, 2024 – Experts say the United States has a near-nationwide struggle when it comes to many vices. But the country’s three greatest addictions are varied, with statistics suggesting America has the biggest problem with illicit drugs and, perhaps surprisingly, video games and work.

“We have to acknowledge the US appears to have a deeply rooted cultural affinity for excess, whether alcohol, food, media consumption, or other outlets,” psychologist Daniel Glazer told Newsweek. “Instant gratification and constant stimulation shape societal values and expectations. Coupled with lax regulations around substances and pervasive advertising, Americans face a uniquely temptation-steeped environment.”

In the report, while Romania and Latvia saw excessive alcohol intake and Australia was deemed the most “sex-addicted country,” the United States was notably the top country for coffee intake. 
