Americans Unaware Alcohol Can Cause Cancer - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Feb. 17, 2022 – “Increasing awareness of the alcohol–cancer link, such as through multimedia campaigns and patient–provider communication, may be an important new strategy for health advocates working to implement preventive alcohol policies,” they add. “This is the first study to examine the relationship between alcohol control policy support and awareness of the alcohol–cancer link among a national US sample,” the authors write.

The results show that there is some public support for the idea of adding written warnings about the alcohol–cancer risk to alcoholic beverages, which is something that  a number of cancer organizations have been petitioning for, as previously reported by Medscape Medical News.

A petition filed by, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Institute for Cancer Research, and Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, all in collaboration with several public health organizations, proposes labeling that would read: “WARNING: According to the Surgeon General, consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause cancer, including breast and colon cancers.”
