Alcoholics Anonymous Group of Redemption celebrates 18 years - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Where Two or More Are Gathered… –

June 28 2019 – Saying almost every households are facing the brunt of alcoholism of members of their families, Manikanta said that alcohol use disorder or alcoholism is a chronic disease which destroys families and society as a whole. The habit of a man drinking from morning till dawn will have no positive impact on the family and society. This habit of uncontrolled drinking will damage his heart, liver and influence his thinking and actions. Such a person will only give pain to his surrounding, he said. He also criticised the “rampant use of alcohol in every festival, function and ceremony as a means to complete the celebrations.” Manikanta also asserted that such culture encourages alcohol among the youth. The Director then urged the AA Group of Redemption to continue their counselling programmes to rehabilitate and reform persons who are addicted to alcohol. AA Group of Redemption was formed by members who are now alcohol free and rehabilitated.

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