After My Daughter’s Overdose, My Family Vowed to Fight the Opioid Epidemic - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

How do we do that? –

Dec. 25, 2019  – There was so much we didn’t know about Victoria until reading her journal. Victoria had a weight problem in her early teens, but blossomed. We didn’t realize that she had an eating disorder and was using drugs to stay skinny and fit in. She tried so hard and got in with a bad group of people.  That may have been her downfall. She started to hate school and was skipping class. I don’t think we would have known the true extent of her drug use without her sharing her journal with me. She sent her friend a text saying, if anything happens to her, where I could find it. Her dying wish was that we publish it to help other teens who are struggling with drug addiction and other problems. This year we fulfilled that wish and we included tips, warning signs and our story so other parents will be armed with the knowledge they need to protect and save their children.

Full Story @SheKnows