Adrian Ray Evans Pens Fourth Book on Alcoholism

He Can’t Stop –  

Jan. 1, 2021 – “We can’t meet now because of COVID,” Evans said. “But when we can meet, I’m there.”

He said, “I was 50 when I quit drinking. It was a very serious problem for me for the last 14 to 16 years. But I didn’t realize it for a long time.” Evans said, “I lost everything. My wife, my kids, my home, my cars. I would drink myself out of jobs. I would end up homeless, begging on the streets, living in bushes and abandoned cars.” He said, “Everywhere I went, there was a bar. My first wife and my daughter died of alcoholism. I married again and we’ve been married 33 years.” Evans said he stopped smoking five years after he quit drinking. He said he was a painting contractor in Florida for 25 years, painting such homes as that of basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal.
