Oct. 5, 2024 – The primary tool for assessing addiction proneness was the Addiction-Prone Personality Scale, which evaluates traits such as impulsivity and risk-taking. Novelty seeking was measured using the Novelty Seeking Scale, while the Generation and Selection Questionnaire assessed how frequently participants generated new ideas and how often they were able to select the best ones. 

A new study published in Psychological Reports sheds light on the complex relationship between addiction-prone personalities and creative thinking. The research found that individuals with a tendency toward addictive behaviors are more likely to generate a large number of ideas but struggle when it comes to selecting the best ones. The study also discovered that novelty seeking plays a key role in mediating this relationship, and that depressive tendencies can further influence how addiction-prone individuals approach creativity.

Prior research has shown that certain personality characteristics, such as openness to experience and nonconformity, are linked to creativity. However, few studies have focused on how addiction-prone personality traits might affect creative cognitive styles like idea generation and idea selection.