A Story of the Lies about Addiction and the Truth about Recovery by David Poses - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Fall 2021 – “A moving, tender, thoughtful account of addiction and also a compelling critique of a lot that’s wrong with the dominant model of addiction treatment.”
—Johann Hari, New York Times best-selling author of Chasing the Scream

“A riveting and deeply personal account of addiction and the flawed treatment system that repeatedly failed him . . . The blueprint for hope and survival that is ultimately his story could not arrive at a more important time as the nation grapples with its overdose epidemic.”
—Gerald Posner, award-winning journalist and New York Times best-selling author of Pharma

“A fluidly written, disarmingly blunt account of heroin addiction and recovery.”
—Keith Humphreys, White House drug policy adviser to presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama

“Entertaining, honest, darkly comedic, and smart as hell, David Poses’s The Weight of Air is a painfully accurate portrayal of heroin addiction and the sorts of treatments forced upon us . . . [His] book is badly needed during a time when the overdose crisis is at its apex.”
—Amy Dresner, author of My Fair Junkie

“The Weight of Air is at once an intensely personal memoir and a much-needed blueprint for saving lives during this time of profound crisis.”
—Brandon del Pozo, PhD, retired deputy inspector of the New York City Police Department and retired chief of police, Burlington, Vermont

“David Poses shares his life story and his struggles with rare, raw honesty. . . . This book will help readers better understand why people use substances and the urgency to reframe our responses and thinking.”
—Petra Schulz, cofounder of Moms Stop the Harm
