Former Florida Marlin Sentenced to 4 Years for Con Involving Drug Addicts’ Urine - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Yellow Fever? –

Nov. 2, 2018 – Both Waynes are cooperating with the government and expected to testify in an upcoming trial of doctors working at Reflections Treatment Center, one of a number of drug treatment facilities and sober homes operated by the notorious Kenny Chatman. Chatman is currently serving a 27-year sentence on charges of money laundering, sex trafficking and health care fraud; when women would come to his facilities for treatment, Chatman would keep them “in a state of impairment in order to ‘pimp’ them out.” One side hustle for Chatman was the sale of his patients’ urine, and that’s where the Waynes come in. The Waynes owned a drug testing lab, and as the Palm Beach Post so eloquently puts it, “the urine of drug addicts who have insurance is liquid gold to unscrupulous operator of labs.” The Waynes paid Chatman for urine, ran unnecessary tests, and billed insurance companies at inflated rates, as much as $5,000 for a single drug screen…

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