Overdose victim leaves story of addiction on phone - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Astounding –

May 3, 2018 – “He was very easygoing, easy to be with, happy,” she said. He also led a secret life. To deal with depression, he started using heroin. “He didn’t see himself as an addict,” Jen Couzins said. “He didn’t see that there was anything wrong. He could stop anytime.” But he didn’t. His heroin use eventually led to his death. His wife found him and called 911. “And I stopped at the apartment, and he’s dead,” she said in the call. “He’s laying on the couch, and he’s cold and he’s dead.” His story didn’t end there. Jen Couzins soon learned that her husband had documented his drug use. “I got a call from the detective, and they wanted to know if I knew about the videos on his phone,” she said. “I said, ‘What videos?’”

Full Story @ WMUR.com