Running Club Helps Men on Road to Recovery  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Feb. 25, 2025 –  A few years ago, a mentor challenged him to run a half marathon.  “Half marathon? I can’t even run like half a mile,” said Carlson, “All of a sudden I was running one mile, two miles, three miles and then I completed the half marathon.” It was all part of the climb out of his darkest hole.  

“I started using when I was in high school. Marijuana, alcohol and then over the years it kind of progressed into harder drugs,” said Carlson, “I spent so long doing drugs that it was hard to think about well how do I fill my week now?”

While finding his sobriety at The Men of Nehemiah, a treatment center in south Dallas, he started a running club. Slowly more and more men in the program joined him. Men like Brandon Kuhnlein.  

“Addicts, we usually run away from our problems. And this is kind of something opposite to what we do, we’re running towards the finish line,” said Kuhnlein.