Aug. 16, 2024 – A 47-year-old grandmother is reportedly facing multiple felony charges following the death of her 2-year-old grandson, Amani Day, who was found unresponsive in bed next to her on October 20, 2023. Tasha Mulcahy, the grandmother, had Amani and his older sister in primary care since January 2023, when their mother died of an overdose. According to local news channel Fox 59, Mulcahy reported that Amani had been behaving normally the night before, playing with other children. She stated that she was the only one in bed with Amani when she woke up at 11 a.m. and discovered he was cold, stiff, and had vomited on the pillow. Mulcahy attempted CPR, and Amani’s father tried administering Narcan, which reverses the effects of opiates, but the child did not respond.

The Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) Child Abuse Unit was called to the home in southern Indianapolis to investigate the child’s death.