July 30, 2024 – Disturbing new video has emerged of zonked-out drug addicts stumbling like zombies inside a Canadian bus station — with many suggesting it was the flesh-rotting drug dubbed “tranq.”Some lie knocked out on benches, or unconscious on the floor with their belongings strewn about them. But two somehow remained upright, their semi-conscious bodies twisted and bent like dying flowers as they staggered and leaned over.

Their awkward body positions suggested the presence of xylazine, the flesh-rotting zombie drug known as “tranq” that’s stormed through the North American drug supply and left unsuspecting users lurching through cities from New York to Los Angeles, many online suggested.

Some suggested they may have been on methadone, which is used to treat people addicted to opioids but can cause severe drowsiness. Others said it was likely heroin or fentanyl — or a mix — that made the users freeze in their spine-tingling poses.