May 12, 2024 – Laura emphasizes that she doesn’t necessarily believe there’s anything inherently wrong with alcohol, but some people do not tolerate it well. However, there is a stigma in yachting for those who choose to remain sober. Laura is creating and curating a Sober Crew Social Club platform that will harness support, connection, community, and inspiration. She plans to introduce meetups as soon as this summer, and there will most likely be popups hosted worldwide. A podcast and a new website are also in the works, hosting plenty of free resources and links to organizations that can help with serious addiction issues. Plans are also underway to host Sober Crew Social Club sober retreats next year.

Once her site is up and running, she will introduce memberships for crew who want a deeper level of connection and understanding about the relationship to alcohol.

“I want to create a safe space for people who are committed to exploring their relationship with alcohol, so the membership will include weekly Zoom meetings set up to accommodate different time zones, additional resources, coaching calls, guest speakers, challenges, and offers on the retreats,” Laura said.