Vin Baker Uses Sobriety For Good - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 17, 2024 – “It’s still one day at a time for me, and I understand, empathize, and know exactly what the attack an alcoholic goes through daily,” Baker said. “To wake up every morning and not want to use it or have to use it is a total blessing. 

And so I want to give that blessing back. I want to give that feeling back, that gift back.”

The way he is giving back is through the Vin Baker Recovery Center.

Baker cut the ribbon on the addiction treatment facility in the Columbus Park neighborhood. He was overwhelmed by what the day truly meant.

“You know, outside of family things and my kids and my parents, this is the most important day to me ever,” said Baker. “It’s an opportunity to help save lives, to pay it forward, my sobriety, to pay it forward. I can’t, like, quantify, quantify how important this day is.”

The center offers a variety of ways to deal with addiction.

“I can actually provide not only the hope, but I can provide the medication, the treatment and the therapy, that it takes to live a life, a sober life,” said Baker.

Baker was not alone at the grand opening. He was joined by some of his players, including his “little brother” Brook Lopez.