I Stopped Drinking for Three Months and It’s Not as Simple as the Internet Says - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


March 29, 2024  – A quick search for sober motivation will send you off on a stream of brightly coloured listicles that advise making plans that don’t involve alcohol, spending time with friends who support your choices, trying new things (like mocktails!) and going for a walk to combat alcohol cravings. (photo: Author Ashe Davenport)

The posts are often accompanied by a white-toothed influencer who is standing on a mountain in a bikini.

The internet paints a picture of sobriety that has been smoothed around the edges, with an occasional snag of vulnerability; a woman pushing her toddler on a swing with the caption “I was buzzed on vodka here”; a word tile that reads: “I realised that inebriated women are easier to control.” The darkness creeps in, but then it’s back to normal programming; memes and hashtags and journalling at sunrise.

 stopped drinking three months ago under the illusion that it would be as simple as buying leggings with the offer code sobergalclub. But I have not yet enjoyed better sleep or higher productivity. I do not look back at my years of drug and alcohol use “with zero regrets”, as one influencer who had been 30 days sober mused. I have infinite regrets. My cup runneth over. 

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