Nick Saban Explains Why He Quit Drinking Years Ago - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct. 26, 2023 – The 71-year-old Saban explained to party boy Pat that his own partying days were over when he and Miss Terry had kids and they started to get older and looking to him to set an example.  Don’t drink,” Saban said. “I used to drink. When we had kids and when my kids were growing up, I decided I didn’t want to set that kind of example for them. I just quit drinking, and probably the best thing I ever did. Never have a hangover. Never feel bad. Just don’t do it.”

McAfee, a legendary boozer, fired back that he has no idea how he used to drink as much as he did. “I get a hangover now at this age and it takes four days (to recover),” McAfee told college football’s greatest of all time. 
