The Company You Keep –  

Dec. 17, 2020 – The researchers analysed the responses of 8,750 adults during a survey conducted in 2015 by the National Alcohol Survey (an alcohol research group) and the National Alcohol’s Harm to Others Survey (a collaborative alcohol research group). Participants answered questions, including questions about problems related to people around them who had been drinking over a one-year period. The problems could be related to a car accident, physical violence, marital problems, damage to the house or financial problems … For men, the results are slightly different: after harassment, the second most common problem is related to drinking and driving, followed by damage to private property and, finally, vandalism related to another person under the influence. 

The researchers also found that people under 25 years of age were the most likely to experience a greater variety of disorders related to another person’s state of intoxication. In addition, according to the scientists, women are more likely to file a complaint when it concerns a husband or family member, while men would be more likely to do so when it concerns a stranger.
