‘I’m finally alive’: Recovering drug addict whose habit made him ‘look dead all the time’ - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Anyone Can Quit! – 

June 17, 2020 – The tweet quickly went viral, racking up over 847,000 likes. It was also soon reposted on Reddit, where it got even more attention.

Replying to Redditors, Travis said getting sober was the ‘hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.’

‘I stayed in rehab for over a year and a half because I couldn’t trust myself,’ he said. 

Once out, he used the ‘I Am Sober’ mobile app to track his sobriety, and his health improved in other ways, too.

He said he stopped drinking soda and eating fast food, adding that ‘most importantly, I drank a ton of water and stopped touching my face.’
