75¢ to Numb The Pain  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 22, 2024 – “Fentanyl and meth, we do like five [pills] each a day,” Holly Wall and Brandon Kennedy said. “It numbs you. It numbs your pain.” Getting high is as easy as smoking one pill, and the addiction is cheap. “It’s like 75 cents; two dollars at the most,” they said.

Getting back on track is possible. Robert is a veteran who spent a decade addicted to pain killers and selling drugs in Tucson. People suggested to me to try rehab, and I pushed them off, saying it’s not the way I do it,” he said.

Then Robert got busted for selling drugs, and a judge offered him a chance at rehab instead of a prison sentence.

“Getting to rehab, and just feeling it, I was like oh my gosh, this is what I needed. It was incredible,” Robert said.

Staying clean is the goal. Darren Mangan and Anthony Noperi are clean for the first time in their adult lives.