63% of Alcoholics Exhibit Significant Cognitive Improvements within 18 Days of Abstinence - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Jan. 7, 2023 – Neuropsychological assessments tested verbal episodic memory, verbal working memory, executive functioning, and visuospatial abilities. Participants who had alcohol use disorder were tested at 8 days and 18 days after alcohol cessation.

Results showed that nearly 60% of patients with alcohol use disorder showed cognitive impairments 8 days after cessation of alcohol. Among those who showed impairments, 63% showed improvement in their deficits such that they reached normal levels of functioning after 18 days of discontinuing alcohol usage. Promising recovery rates were shown for working memory and episodic memory at 60 and 63%. 67% of participants who showed visuospatial impairments at the first data collection point displayed normal levels at the second data collection point. Additionally, the recovery of flexibility performance was 100%.
