6 Sobriety Books That Might Help You give Up Booze - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Feb. 9, 2022 – Less of an instruction manual and more of an inspirational tale, Clare Pooley, a high flying Cambridge-grad, career woman and mum of three kids, opens up about her transformation to sober life. Maybe the best option for those who are questioning their own drinking habits but not quite ready for a self-help book, Pooley weaves in research and advice such as: ‘How do I know if I’m drinking too much?’ and ‘What do I say to friends and family?’ for a much softer approach.

• A definite self-help book, this one is for those who like a plan of action to stick to. Core learnings include how to self-diagnose alcohol dependence, medications and strategies to help deal with cravings, as well as providing details for the best, free support to help maintain your progress over time.

• A Sunday Times Bestseller, The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober is a reminder of exactly why so many of us choose to stop drinking. Celebrating all the joys of being sober, this book may be the best first port of call for anyone semi-interested in banning the booze. Inspiring and educational thanks to the help of neuroscientists explaining the science behind the effects of alcohol, even if the sober life is one you’ve not given too much thought to, we’re sure this book will get you thinking.
