5 female inmates in a Philly-area jail overdosed on heroin on Christmas Day - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Christmas Disaster –

December 29, 2019 – “More than half of the individuals ordered to G.W. Hill Correctional facility come to the facility with a substance abuse addiction. We provide rigorous treatment programs and education to help individuals overcome their addictions,” the company said in a statement.

“More importantly, we have policies and procedures in place to ensure we keep all inmates and staff safe and secure. Not only is it completely unlawful to illegally smuggle narcotics into the facility but people who pursue these unlawful actions only hurt their friends and family members who are trying to fight addiction.”  Three of the women were taken to Riddle Hospital in Media and two were taken to Crozer-Chester Medical Center in Upland, the source at the jail said. Two were discharged early Thursday and two were reported in stable condition. One of the women at Riddle remained in critical condition after suffering cardiac arrest as medics tried to revive her, sources said. No names were released.

Full Story @Inquirer