Excellent Interview About Robin, Addiction and Depression
Robin Williams’ Hidden Pain Revealed by Comedy Store Owner, Plus…
Yahoo News anchor, Bianna Golodryga talks with Jamie Masada, founder of the Laugh Factory and a long-time friend of Williams. Dr. Jeff Gardere explains that depression and substance abuse is more common than one may think, and Williams was no exception. “He was a lifelong addict. It’s a lifelong illness that you take a day at a time … this is a medical problem – we have to stop seeing people who have drug addiction as evil, bad, weak people.”
A blog post by social media marketer Jason Thibeault, “Why I just quit Facebook,”is sparking new debate about the risks of social media addiction. Thibeault’s essay went viral soon after he posted it on LinkedIn on Thursday, getting more than 700,000 views the next day.
There Is A Solution
Singer Reveals How He Overcame Dangerous Battle With Prescription Drug Addiction
“Welcome Home,” Habedank’s first solo album, comes a little more than a year after the singer checked himself into a treatment facility outside of Nashville, Tennessee, to combat his prescription drug dependence. Habedank was originally introduced to prescription medications to treat an ulcer on his throat, but his usage eventually spiraled out of control.
This Makes Sense
Time to Warn Drinkers About the Risk of Cancer
People have become accustomed to labels on cigarettes warning about the risk of smoking causing cancer and other diseases. And our research, published in the latest edition of BMC Public Health, shows similar labels could help consumers better understand the harms of drinking alcohol. There is growing evidence that alcohol increases the risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Judge Clement Goldstone QC said she had suffered “long-term cruelty” at the hands of her mother. “You did your best for each other, but you suffered long-term cruelty at her hands. Her addiction to alcohol clouded her judgement,” Judge Goldstone, the Recorder of Liverpool, told her. “You’d had enough and that is something you will have to live with for the rest of your life.”
See clips from last year’s Award Winning REEL Recovery Film Festivalwith Paul Williams, Russell Brand, Robert Blake, Barbara Eden and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. SEE VIDEO
Die Fledermauscatel or Ride Of The Valkyries to the Dealer’s House
Drink And Drug Addictions ‘Blighting Lives
Of Classical Musicians’
Addiction is blighting the lives of many classical musicians as they grapple with performance anxiety and antisocial hours, a cellist has said. The cellist, who was addicted to alcohol and prescription pills, said the problem was rife in the classical music world. Lander, who began drinking to self-medicate her concert hall panic attacks, told Radio Times: “Addiction problems are widespread among classical musicians, for many reasons.
Drug Czar Promotes Treatment, Tells Personal Story
As the nation’s drug czar continues to warn people about the potential death and destruction from substance abuse, he’s also encouraging them to tell their stories about treatment and recovery. Usually he starts with himself. Michael Botticelli, acting director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, also embraces another title: “I’m one of 23 million Americans in recovery who have gone on to live productive lives.”
Coming Out … Again
Celebrity Big Brother’s Leslie Jordan Reveals Dangerous Crystal Meth Addiction VIDEO
“Part of my recovery – I’m in recovery – I go to these meetings and stuff,” he began before Kellie asked him about what his addictions were. “Alcoholic,” Leslie said before adding: “And crystal meth. Back in the day in gay bars, they’d give you a bump and you’d dance all night and then it got to the point where I’d do my bump and just want to go home.”
Dr. Gabor Maté’s Lesson from Robin Williams: Take Depression Seriously
Death, Robin Williams once said, is “the ultimate closing.” The turbulent comic genius found that closing recently, at his own hands. The thought of suicide was not new to him and in a 2010 interview he accused himself of not having “the balls to do it.” Why and how the fear of dying was finally overcome by despair at the thought of living must remain a mystery, but the questions raised by Williams’ tragic death are for all of us to ponder.
It can be nice to relax with a glass of wine, a beer or a shot of whiskey. But one drink too many, and you may be paying the price. To understand why drinking can make us feel so good and so bad, you have to know a little about science, says journalist Adam Rogers, author of Proof: The Science of Booze.
Formaldehyde, tar, the highly addictive nicotine and arsenic can be traced in one cigarette. Cigarettes are also inflammatory to the lungs, teeth, gums and heart. Gum disease anywhere from gingivitis to severe periodontal disease leading to tooth loss are correlated to prolonged cigarette use with or without moderation.
I’ve been to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting for my addiction to carbs but they just banned me from attending in future. I listened to all their stories of pain and woe and understood where they were coming from. Sure, some of them had been to prison and had their families turn their backs on them. But I’ve also felt that struggle.
Advocates Raise Awareness for Heroin Epidemic VIDEO
During International Overdose Awareness Day on Saturday, several local groups stepped up to raise awareness for the growing heroin problem in Las Vegas. Families that lost a loved one to the deadly addiction shared their stories with the community in hopes their experience could help prevent another overdose tragedy.
A Walk Among the Tombstones NPR AUDIO
A Message About Drug Use With A Fake Graveyard NPR AUDIO
The tombstones, she says, are meant to shock people. Marian Huhman, a University of Illinois professor who specializes in public health social marketing campaigns, says it can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of such programs. “But I want to emphasize that [it] doesn’t detract from the importance of these kinds of grass-roots efforts that are a very inexpensive way to get an important public health message out there.”
In the wake of Robin Williams death on Monday of an apparent suicide, Dick Cavett wrote about his encounter with the comedian and his own long struggle with depression. Hosted by Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani.
Quasi-Legal Street Drug Poses Lethal Threat To Users
Emergency physicians are bracing for a new rash of overdoses of a drug that looks like heroin but may not respond to commonly used doses of the opiate-reversal drug naloxone because it is so powerful, a new study reports. The threat comes from an emerging street drug called acetyl fentanyl – an opiate that is five to 15 times as powerful as heroin and is being mixed with street drugs sold as heroin.
Veteran journalist Al Olson has left his senior editor position at NBC News to head Marijuana.com, a cannabis news site. “I’ve been a journalist for as long as I’ve been a marijuana advocate – my first byline was at the age of 14, the same age I smoked my first joint,” Olson said in a press statement. He took over as managing editor of Marijuana.com on Monday.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Teams with the American Bar Association
The American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation are pleased to announce their collaboration on a groundbreaking new research project to survey the current rates of substance use, depression and anxiety among licensed attorneys throughout the United States.
Questionable Billing By California Drug Rehab Programs
Providers who billed the state for millions, the audit found a pattern of incomplete patient data and questionable billing. Uneven standards led state administrators to do a poor job of vetting clinics who sought certification and sniffing out potential fraud. Nineteen of the patients providers claimed to have treated were dead at the time, the audit found, accounting for $10,300 in billing. Once again, lags in record-keeping allowed the deception to proceed.
VIDEO: Too Little Too Late?
DEA Makes Schedule Change for Frequently Abused Prescription Drugs VIDEO
Some frequently abused painkillers, such as vicodin, will be harder to come by after a decision by the drug enforcement agency. “We believe it is a wise decision to reclassify hydrocodone-combination medication so they are handled with the same precautions as other pain medications, such as oxycodone, hydromorphone, and fentanyl.”
Hide Your Guppies
Man Admits Animal Cruelty After Swallowing Fish In Cocktail
A 33-year-old man who drank four fish in a cocktail of alcohol has walked free from court after admitting animal cruelty.Wooding was given an 18-month conditional discharge for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal and for failing to protect the fish, after being prosecuted by the RSPCA. He admitted both charges in court this month.
Authorities in the southern Indian state of Kerala have outlined plans to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol to tackle the state’s drink problem. Initially, more than 700 bars and some shops selling alcohol would be shut and alcohol-free days would be increased.
Alcoholics Anonymous can help people, young and old, recover from drinking problems, but young adults seem to benefit mainly – and only – from certain aspects of the program, according to a small U.S. study. The results may help to better tailor AA for a new generation.
We Welcome Your Feedback!
If you have any comments, compliments or suggestions for our weekly Addiction/Recovery eBulletin, please contact us at: Writers In Treatment
REEL RECOVERY FILM FESTIVAL is a social, educational, networking and recovery forum showcasing first-time filmmakers and experienced professionals who make films about addiction and recovery. Our audience is treatment professionals, people in recovery, members of the entertainment industry, media representatives, educated moviegoers and the general public.
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin Publisher & Editor: Leonard Buschel – Send an email
Talking Into The Wind
Counseling For Young People With Drinking Problems Not As Beneficial As Previously Believed
“The results suggest that for young people who misuse alcohol there is no substantial, meaningful benefit of motivational interviewing,” said lead researcher David Foxcroft, in a press statement. “The effects we saw were probably too small to be of relevance to policy or practice.” There may be certain groups of young adults for whom motivational interviewing is more successful in preventing alcohol-related problems.
What It Was Like, What Happened, What Happens Now?
Planning Sleazy Hooker
Parties: Inside TV Anchor Pat O’Brien’s Shocking Drug & Alcohol Addiction
In his new memoir, the former Insiderreporter – who has now been clean and sober for nearly six years – opens up about his debilitating cocaine habitin the late 70’s, when he was working as a hard news reporter in Hollywood. “I was doing an insane amount of coke, maybe up to $2,000 a week in today’s money.”
To bring attention to the peace that comes through recovery from addiction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Wednesday released a video entitled, “Overcoming Pornography Addiction: The Healing Power of Jesus Christ.” The LDS Church also made significant changes in the past month to its resources for spouses and family members.
After Opening Night Reception-JADE HOTEL
Opening Night Selection For New York REEL Recovery Film Festival
Gracie knows hangovers. She’s intimately acquainted with them. But this one? Oh boy! Why did she wake up, half-undressed, on a Florida beach, 1100 miles from home? Filmmakers in Person. 8PM Friday, September 16, 2014 Following Opening Night Reception – JADE HOTEL 52 W 13th St, New York, NY.
Gambling is becoming a huge problem for young people especially young men. A culture of gambling has grown up around sport and availability has escalated enormously because of online gambling. I find it almost impossible to give advice on this matter. It’s such a secretive pastime. Huge sums of money can be lost in an instant. Despair is a word commonly used by the addict, the family and by those who help with the problem.
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