Addiction Recovery eBulletin Feb 3 - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

February 3, 2015                                                                                                       Volume 2., No. 24
Breaking News!     Will He Pass … a UA?
Browns QB Johnny Manziel Stumbles…       Into Rehab     

Johnny Manziel entered treatment, adviser Brad Beckworth told on Monday. Manziel is expected to be in rehab at least a few weeks, but the amount of time depends largely on what doctors recommend. The quarterback is voluntarily entering treatment as a direct result of his lifestyle away from the field, and he informed people in his circle last week that he wants to “figure out his value system.”

It’s a Thin Thin Line   
I’m Not Addicted – I’m Dependent
by Brittany Patterson

Prescription drug addiction can be characterized by behaviors like:

– Getting high on prescription drugs like OxyContin or Lortab takes
priority over eating
– If you go too long between getting high you can’t sleep or think of anything except how to get the next pill…


Future Mutes Coming To Rehab?
Smartphone Addiction Time-bomb
‘ready to explode’     

A third of internet users now access online content on mobile phones – up from just 10% two years ago – and internet users are expected to surpass PC users by next year. Counsellors now fear internet addiction, fueled by 24/7 access via mobile phones, will be the next wave of compulsive disorders that they will be treating. They are already hearing concerns expressed by parents of young adults and children about excessive use of smartphones to the point where they are no longer speaking or communicating without using technology.

Do The Math – That’s What Counts VIDEO    
Addiction Treatment Goes Public: AAC’s Recovery-Center Empire VIDEO   

American Addiction Centers  is run by Michael Cartwright, a former drug addict and alcoholic who says he’s been sober for 23 years. The company’s IPO underwriters estimate there are 8,100 substance-abuse treatment enterprises across America, operating 16,700 clinics and centers. These include famous nonprofits such as the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, as well as Narconon International, an addiction treatment organization with ties to Scientology. At the high end, Malibu centers like Promises and Cliffside charge the Lindsay Lohans of the world as much as $112,000 per month for spa-like accommodations and services.

Get well at New Method Wellness

 Check out the Waismann Method

There’s Always Something
Facebook Activates Same Brain Areas As Drugs; How Social Media Sites Hook You    

As for their actual brain, the brain scans showed that high-scoring participants experienced greater activation of their amygdala and striatum, the two brain regions involved in impulsive behavior. These patterns are on par with those who are addicted to cocaine.

Massachusetts Hope   
Senator Says His Top Priority
Is Curbing Opiate Addiction

Viriato M. deMacedo’s top priority was to spur the local economy, but, as he said, things change and the number one priority in his new job is to bring an end to the region’s heroin epidemic. “It’s a tall order, but I’m committed to do anything I can,” he said. CONTINUED @ 

Click here for Biosound Therapy

Check out Loma Linda University  

Truly Good Samaritans
Overdose Victims Saved by Workers
From Nearby Offices  

Several people are being hailed as heroes after police said they pulled two men who had overdosed on heroin out of a burning car in a busy shopping plaza on Thursday afternoon. -“I didn’t think about it,” said Michalides, 33, of Manchester. “I saw the car on fire, saw someone inside, and had to get them out.” “At that point I started administering CPR to him, probably for about seven or eight minutes, with a woman from the Geico office helping, and revived him until Manchester fire could get here with oxygen.”


Good Question              VIDEO 
Liver Transplant Ethics:
Should Alcoholics Be Sober First? VIDEO

“I believe that if doctors have a patient whose life they can save and they have a donor who’s willing to give, that they have an obligation [to save their life],” she said in an interview on CBC Radio’s  As It Happens. In an interview on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning on Wednesday, Levy said last year more than 100 people died while waiting for a transplant.

Listen to Selkirk’s interview on As it Happens 

Twelve Promises: Rewards of Recovery

Brandi’s Wish  

Couple Kills Alcoholic Son, Hacks Body    

An elderly couple, fed up with their 27-year-old alcoholic son, bludgeoned him to death and chopped the body using a stone-cutter. They even dumped the parts in a forest near their home and had their house painted to remove any trace of the crime. Nand Kishore and Asha Devi, who are both in their 60s, have been arrested.


Investigative Audio Report  AUDIO   
‘Scars Of Teen Drug Treatment’ AUDIO   

While Barker received state and federal funding, as well as judicial praise, teenagers suffered horrific abuses that a Senate report compared to North Korean brainwashing. Barker eventually fell out of favor, and the Seed closed – only to be reborn as Straight Inc. With many of the same staffers and even harsher sessions, it expanded to multiple states. Of course it had the backing of Nancy Reagan. CONTINUED @ 

His House & New Creation Treatment

Bridges To Recovery    

Now Eat This
FDA Approves Drug For Binge-Eating 

Standard treatment for binge eating and other eating disorders usually involves counseling and psychotherapy. Some doctors also prescribe antidepressants to try and curb eating disorders, though they are not approved for that use. The Food and Drug Administration approved Vyvanse in 2007 as a once-a-day pill for ADHD. Friday the agency cleared the drug for adults who compulsively overeat. Serious adverse events associated with Vyvanse can include psychiatric problems like hallucinations and mania as well as heart complications.


English Debates        VIDEO   
Cutting Edge Debates And Talks From The World’s Leading Thinkers VIDEO   

Docs in the Dock
Despite the recent bad press, most of us still think doctor knows best. Yet with medical intervention now the third biggest killer after heart disease and cancer, is it time to call a halt to our trust? Should we end the monopoly on prescription? Would this give us ownership over our own health, or risk lives and return us to Victorian quackery? Theme One Can we trust doctors? Theme Two Ending the drugs monopoly. The Pitch Pharmaceutical companies target doctors.

Consider Milestones Ranch in Malibu

Detox With Dignity Now 

Walking The Walk … For Over 20 Years
How One Man Helped 10,000 People With Serious Drug Problems Recovery    

Howard Josepher and Exponents, the organization he founded 20 years ago have some answers. Howard and Exponents have helped more than 10,000 people with serious drug problems. Mr. Josepher knows about substance abuse on a personal level. He struggled with heroin addiction and spent some time behind bars. Over the last two decades, Howard built a dynamic organization made up of staff who have also struggled with addiction, incarceration and HIV.


Eyes On The Prize   
Former Top 100 Recruit Noah Cottrill Kicked Addiction, Thriving in NAIA   

That was rock bottom,” Cottrill said. “I was arrested in a vehicle with people I should not have been with. I take full responsibility for that, but that was my rock bottom. I said ‘no more’ and I called my brother and my family and I told them what was going on.” Cottrill left the state and entered the Brighton Center for Recovery in Michigan. He spent 30 days there. He had no computer, no cell phone, no basketball. “I had to work on myself off the court before I could even think about lacing up the shoes again.”

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This Would Be A Cool
California May Increase Smoking Age To 21 

Tobacco companies know that people are more likely to become addicted to smoking if they start at a young age. We can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines while Big Tobacco markets to our kids and gets another generation of young people hooked on a product that will ultimately kill them. – Ed Hernandez California Senator and bill sponsor.

Harm Reduction   
What Facebook Addiction Looks Like
in the Brain

For many Facebook users, the urge to like a kitten video or snoop on a high-school flame is almost irresistible. As it turns out, this type of “Facebook addiction” may show up in the brain: A new study found that the brains of people who report compulsive urges to use the social networking site show some brain patterns similar to those found in drug addicts.

Fallen Hero Returns Triumphantly
Ex-Fresno State Hoops star Ex-Addict,
Chris Herren, Returns to Fresno To Teach    

With each interview and every speech, Chris Herren reopens deep wounds. They are dark memories from which most would rather move on and forget. Alcohol and drug experimentation turned into addiction, near-death overdoses and arrests that overshadowed a promising basketball career that had shined brightest while he was at Fresno State Herren, a star at Fresno State from 1996-1999 under future Hall of Fame coach Jerry Tarkanian and who then played a couple of seasons in the NBA, knows some might already know of his story.


Dartmouth’s Semi-Serious
New Rules on Alcohol

“Hello. My name is Gene, and I’m an alcoholic.” This is the way I have begun countless 12-step meetings. And today, I celebrate nine years of sobriety, without so much as a sip of communion wine. The decision to seek treatment for alcoholism nine years ago was one of the best, most rewarding decisions of my life. Indeed, it saved my life, pure and simple. Alcoholism is a progressive disease that only gets worse, never better.

Finally, The Implant Step   VIDEO
Helping Addicts Stay Sober with Implant   VIDEO    

The surgeon cut a flap in Mark’s abdomen and implanted a dissolvable tablet of naltrexone that blocks the euphoric receptors in the brain that give an addict or alcoholic that high. The naltrexone implant lasts anywhere from six to 12 months depending on a patient’s metabolism. Dan Markel is the CEO and founder of the company that makes the implant. He says while the FDA approved the use of naltrexone in pill form. Doctors have had trouble getting patients to comply. 3 months after Mark got the implant he’s making progress. CONTINUED @ 

They Are The Future – The Future is NOW   
Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Should Protect Their Brains   

Jensen, who’s a neuroscientist and was a single mother of two boys who are now in their 20s, wrote The Teenage Brain to explore the science of how the brain grows – and why teenagers can be especially impulsive, moody and not very good at responsible decision-making.

San Diego Gets Green Light    VIDEO
Applications for Pot Purveyor Permits Peaking VIDEO    

“These shops run more like drug dealers then legitimate businesses,” said anti-drug activist Scott Chapman. “We need to especially make sure that edibles never go near our children.” So far, the city has limited the number of pot shop permits to four per district, making a total of 32. Seventy applications have already been filed, and in some circumstances, those applications are backed by serious financial support.

Vapor or Viper?   VIDEO   
Electronic Cigarette Laws Will Treat Them Like Conventional Cigarettes VIDEO   

There needs to be immediate action by the FDA, state and local governments to curtail advertising of e-cigs to minors, providing free samples, and treating e-cigs as being different from conventional cigarettes when it comes to these laws. Taxing e-cigs at the same rates as conventional cigarettes will pay for education of the public to the dangers of e-cigs, and increase the price to discourage growth of e-cig users.


Stick With The Winners

Come to Denver This Spring  

Isn’t That His Job?              VIDEO
Surgeon General Says E-Cigarette Safety Needs “Clarity” VIDEO    

Dr. Vivek Murthy says the technology should be embraced if evidence shows e-cigarettes are able to help those who otherwise have trouble quitting smoking. However, research has found that e-cigarettes won’t necessarily help smokers quit. Last year, researchers surveyed nearly 1,000 smokers and found that while 13.5 percent of the total study pool quit smoking, only nine of the 88 e-cigarette smokers quit.

Help Is Available   
Pornography Addiction: Another Reason For The U.S. Marriage Decline   

New research has added another reason for the trend of young adults delaying marriage: substituting easy access to pornography on the Internet for intimacy with a real person. The study, sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Labor, a private economic research institute based in Germany, found that men who view pornography are less likely to be married than men who do not.

Marine Kills 3 in DUI Crash Asks For Rehab Instead Of Prison Time    

Camp Pendleton Marine sergeant convicted of killing three of his fellow servicemen in a drunken-driving crash will ask for treatment in lieu of prison time. Jared Ray Hale, 27, was convicted in December of felony driving under the influence causing great bodily injury for a 2012 crash in Dana Point that killed his three passengers: Sgt. Jeremiah Callahan, 23; Cpl. Christopher Arzola, 21; and Cpl. Jason Chleborad, 22. Hale faces up to 12 years in state prison, but his attorney said he plans to ask the judge for lenience.

To Serve and Addict   
Husband & Wife Cops Get Prison for Selling Hydrocodone While on Duty  

Two married former San Diego police officers who admitted they stole and sold prescription painkillers, sometimes while on duty, were sentenced to three years in prison. Bryce Charpentier, 32, and Jennifer Charpentier, 42, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit residential burglary and conspiracy to possess and sell a controlled substance – hydrocodone.

Feel Good Article of the Week
Man Who Handed Out His Resume At Train Station Now Hiring At Very Same Stop     

After submitting hundreds of job applications with little luck, he took to the Underground last August. He stood inside, holding a sign with his qualifications written on them, and handed out his resume in an attempt to find a job. Last week, Ajani, who is now employed as the marketing and PR projects manager at a recruitment company, The Asoria Group, returned to the same spot at the train station with a sign. But this time, it came with a very different message — “Now Hiring.”

Higher Power Chanting

Higher Power Chanting


Evening of Kirtan with Jai Uttal 
in Santa Monica 

Bhakti Yoga is the path of personal relationship with Spirit, with God, with Goddess; a relationship that includes all the flavors and moods of the human heart. Through singing Kirtan we explore, express and share the deepest caverns of our souls and ultimately find the eternal spring of love. Jai Uttal is a Grammy-nominated singer and “a pioneer in the world music community with his eclectic East-meets-West sound.” He is a “sacred music composer, recording artist, multi-instrumentalist, and ecstatic vocalist.
Sat. February 21, 2015  8:00 pm – Bhakti Yoga Shala
207 Arizona Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401

Alcoholism on the Ropes
Problem Drinkers Are Not Alcoholics.
What Does This Mean for Treatment?    

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the results of a survey about the extent to which problems with alcohol equate to substance use disorders (the “official” term now given to diagnosable problems with drinking) or “alcoholism.” In this Pro Talk piece I will outline the most important findings of that survey, as I see them, and detail what I think are the implications of these findings for both treatment providers and our patients.


Yet Another List   
20 Fascinating Films About Alcoholism   

For many people, alcohol is just an everyday part of life, whether you’re having a cold beer after a long day at work or meeting up with friends at the local pub to discuss everything from sports to how your boss is the biggest douchebag on the planet. But for some people, alcohol can encroach upon their happiness, health and general well-being. Alcoholism isn’t a choice; it’s a disease. A life-long, deadly disease that can quickly and easily ruin a person’s life.

What Would Chauncey Say? VIDEO
Binge-watching Study Discovers Reasons, Warning Signs VIDEO    

During their research, it was discovered that there was a direct relationship between how continuously and uninterrupted someone watched something and the person’s feelings of loneliness, depression, and lack of self-regulation. The study, which included 316 individual ages 18 to 29, found that the more lonely and depressed the study participants were, the more likely they were to escape into a marathon session of TV watching. “These viewers were unable to stop clicking ‘Next’ even when they were aware that they had other tasks to complete.”


Recovery 2.0 Conference   

Hear Leonard Buschel and 30 more speakers talk about ways to #MoveBeyond addiction and thrive in recovery. Sign up today and invite a friend.

CLICK for More Information  

All Roads Lead to Mecca – Sobriety  VIDEO
Addictions Group Offers Non-Religious Alternative to AA VIDEO    

The recently-formed Secular Recovery Ottawa says it provides a “non-religious,” peer-based service with a code of conduct, fellowship and acceptance similar to AA but without the spiritual themes found in six steps of the 12-step process. “Why should we have to wade through all of this religion to what’s really important? Young people who are walking into these meetings are hearing the religious aspect and are walking out again,” said Clifford Beninger, who started Secular Recovery after 20 years of trying to navigate AA programs himself.

Gossip Is The Drug   
Kyle Richards Talks Sister
Kim’s Sobriety  

Kyle Richards is opening up once again about her blowup with Brandi Glanville which occurred on a recent episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.As viewers of the show witnessed last week, Kim Richards’ bizarre behavior initially sparked the rift between the two co-stars, who got into a physical altercation after Brandi tried to quietly escort Kim out of Eileen Davidson’s party while Richards insisted upon speaking with her sister.

Los Angeles Residents Celebrate Recovery

6th Annual Awards Honoring Joe Pantoliano
Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 

This year’s honoree is actor and author Joe Pantoliano. With more than 100 film, television and stage credits to his name, Joey joined the cast of The Sopranos, and won an Emmy Award. He’s also the author of Asylum, his deeply moving and inspiring memoir. This Award is given in recognition of an individual’s honest memoir, including their journey through addiction to recovery, and their dedication and enthusiasm for carrying the ‘message’ to a society awash in addiction.



Writers In Treatment 
a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit

REEL RECOVERY FILM FESTIVAL is a social, educational, networking and recovery forum showcasing first-time filmmakers and experienced professionals who make films about addiction and recovery. Our audience is treatment professionals, people in recovery, members of the entertainment industry, media representatives, educated moviegoers and the general public.

If you or someone you know  
has a film about Addiction OR Recovery, please click on our: 

Submission Form


Addiction/Recovery eBulletin Publisher & Editor:  
Leonard Buschel   

Addiction Recovery eBulletin Feb 3, 2015