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September 1, 2015                   Treatment Industry & Recovery Community News                   Vol. 3., No. 3
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Show Me A Hero
Wayne W. Dyer, Prolific Author of Self-Help Books, Dies at 75
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, whose best-selling 1976 book decrying the vice of blame and preaching the virtue of self-reliance, “Your Erroneous Zones,” propelled him to a prolific multimedia career of advice-giving and spiritual counseling, died over the weekend in Maui, Hawaii. A popular lecturer and talk-show guest who was a particular favorite of Oprah Winfrey,

He Dugg His Own Hole

Josh Duggar’s at Rehab for Sinners  
The disgraced reality star checked into rehab this week after admitting to cheating on his wife and having a porn addiction – and his treatment program requires clocking 40 hours a week of labor in addition to daily prayer sessions. He is scheduled to spend a minimum of six months away from his family at the faith-based Reformers Unanimous home, an all-male facility in Rockford, Ill., that deals with treating “sin.”

No Laughing Matter VIDEO
Comedian, Retired Coach Tackles Drug Addiction  VIDEO
Coach Jimmy Graham of Pitman is used to taking on tough challenges. His mission now? Fighting heroin and other drugs he says have killed at least two dozen of his former students and helping local families struggling with addiction. “If you know there’s support out there, you know other people are going through this just like you are, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

NEW BOOK  Order Below
DRINKING IN AMERICA Our Secret History by Susan Cheever  
When drink became legal again under Franklin Roosevelt, writers such as Ernest Hemingway and the author’s father, John Cheever, “made up for the generations before and after them” by drinking to excess while creating an enduring, and poisonous, link between writing and alcohol. As implicated as she is in the history of drinking in America, Cheever does not condemn it. Instead, she offers a colorful portrait of a society that, like her own family, has been indelibly shaped by its drinking habits. (Cheever is the author of My Name Is Bill W. and E.E. Cummings: A Life).

Step Right Up, Place Your Order Here…
Drinking in America: Our Secret History
In DRINKING IN AMERICA, bestselling author Susan Cheever chronicles our national love affair with liquor, taking a long, thoughtful look at the way alcohol has changed our nation’s history. This is the often-overlooked story of how alcohol has shaped American events and the American character from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.

Heroes in Recovery

Click here for Biosound Therapy

2015 New York Sobriety Gala

FILM REVIEW by Dorri Olds
“Zipper” Up or Down?
He has a happy home and a hot sex life with his smart and beautiful wife (Lena Headey) … Sam (Patrick Wilson) already pleasures himself at home with online porn while his unknowing wife sleeps. One weekend his wife and son (Kelton DuMont) go out of town and Sam’s nagging curiosity leads him to call Executive Privilege on a disposable cellphone…

Recovery Program Management

Should Have Invaded Bordeaux
Wet Brains: A History of Presidential Drinking
How many of our commanders in chief were alcoholics? Brian Abrams, author of the book Party Like A President: True Tales of Inebriation, Lechery and Mischief in the Oval Office says,  “There is a certain type of person that pursues the presidency, typically a very hungry person. They have an appetite for power, for accomplishment, which can also include women and liquor…

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Coming Soon to Houston…

It’s Never Too Early
Alateen supports teenagers with alcoholic parents
While most of us can relate to these types of childhood memories, not everyone grew up with the constant worry of coming home to a drunk parent. Alateen is a program that provides support and help for teenagers who suffer as the result of someone else’s drinking. It is not for young people seeking sobriety for themselves…While her father did attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, she said “it never stuck”. Now 17, Miss Brennan runs the Alateen meetings with the help of her younger sister.

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Happy Ending
No One to Rescue Me From My Drinking by Kera Yonker
Drunk or sober, my cracks were widening, but he did not flinch when they appeared. I loved him for that. He had dubbed that first night together “The Night of the Dark Soul” – something we laughed about, but also a cautionary tale.
It didn’t always work. One morning I awoke with a hangover from a dinner party we had attended. I had blacked out but recollected an argument. As I struggled to piece the night together…

Toasted and Toasting
Alcohol sales get higher after weed legalization
Alcohol businesses are seeing ‘phenomenal growth’ alongside marijuana industry in Colorado, dispelling concerns that consumers prefer pot over booze. Underlying the debate over marijuana legalization has been an equally fierce battle between marijuana and another so-called vice industry: alcohol…In the 18 months since recreational sales were legalized in Colorado, “we’ve just seen phenomenal growth”, said Justin Martz, 32, who runs Mr B’s Wine & Spirits in downtown Denver.

Films are My Drug of Choice
Q&A with Leonard Buschel, Founder of  the REEL Recovery Film Festival & Symposium
Leonard Buschel is a former California Certified Substance Abuse Counselor with years of experience working directly with people struggling with addiction. He attended Naropa University and the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, CO. Mr. Buschel is the founder and director of the REEL Recovery Film Festival & Symposium and the editor/publisher of the weekly Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.

…If He Were Sought
Alabama woman cries out for God to heal her drug addiction
Almost exactly five years ago, Ashley Dailey of Glencoe, Alabama hit rock bottom. She was hopelessly addicted to drugs and had “lost everything.” With nowhere else to turn, she pleaded with God to rescue her from her addiction, no matter what it took. Dailey is now a program aid at Newlife For Women in Gadsden, a long-term treatment program for women who need help overcoming their addiction to drugs and alcohol. She and her husband, Mark, are also the parents of two beautiful daughters.

As editor and publisher of the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin, I wish to issue a full and complete retraction of an article we republished on August 25, 2015 about Sovereign Health of California.
The article which appeared under the headline “BUSTED” is a reprint of a 2010 article that appeared in the Orange County Register. The article was factually incorrect at the time of its initial publication, should not have been rerun by eBulletin.
Since the beginning we have prided ourselves on presenting only the most current, accurate and unbiased news articles, interviews, reviews, announcements, editorials, scientific studies, etc. I wish to issue my most sincere apology to Sovereign Health.
Sovereign operates eight world-class mental health and addiction/dual diagnosis treatment centers in Arizona, California, Florida and Utah. Their success at successfully treating clients is indisputable. All of their facilities are accredited by the Joint Commission, the gold standard for healthcare facilities.
We sincerely apologize for this mistake and will work to put editorial controls in place to insure this does not happen again.
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin Publisher & Editor:
Leonard Lee Buschel

Reality Bites
Teen Mom 2’s Leah Messer Confirms Addiction Struggle with ‘Serenity Prayer’

“God, grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

September 25 – 26

The Council on Recovery
303 Jackson Hill St., Houston, TX 77007

September 27

Sundance Cinemas – Finale
510 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002
Call Tracy Abbott for more information:

October 16 – 22  

Cinema Village
22 E. 12th Street, New York, NY 10003
Call for more information:

October 23 – 29

Laemmle NoHo CInema
5240 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601
Call for more information:

Pioneer of Brain Exploration   VIDEO
Neurologist and author Oliver Sacks Dies VIDEO
Renowned neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks, who explored the mysteries of the human brain in a series of best-selling books, has died today aged 82 after a battle with cancer. London-born Sacks died at his home in New York…He was author of several books about unusual medical conditions including Awakenings, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and The Island Of The Colorblind.

Dr. Gabor Maté   AUDIO
The Addicted Mind  AUDIO
In this program, we hear a neuroscientist’s personal experience of insatiable drug taking, and a controversial yet compassionate perspective from Dr. Gabor Maté suggesting that the main source of addiction is not to be found in genes – but in the childhood environment…

Keep Coming Back
Jennifer Garner Wants Ben Affleck To Go To Rehab  
“Ben’s battle with alcoholism has been rearing its ugly head,” a source said, adding, “Jen says he’s been drinking throughout the day,” reported OK! Magazine (via In Touch). The article further states that Ben’s drinking problems have reached a new low since his fallout with Jennifer after the nannygate. Ben had checked into a rehab centre in Malibu in 2001 to battle alcoholism.

Rise and Fall of the Functioning Alcoholic
Is Getting Drunk After 30 Still as Fun? by Kristina Tsipouras


7 Signs of a Functioning Alcoholic:
1. You cannot have just one or two drinks.
2. You have to order your next drink before you finish the one in front of you.
3. You are not comfortable talking about your relationship with alcohol.
4. You drink almost every night of the week.
5. You often experience blackout or memory loss when drinking.
6. You cannot imagine your life without alcohol.
7. You drink to be happy, confident or comfortable.

Zig Zagged
Marijuana Doesn’t Shrink Brains, But It Can Change Them  
Marijuana doesn’t appear to shrink important regions of the brains of users, but a study published Wednesday shows something possibly more subtle and important: the brains of people who tend to use marijuana may be smaller to start with… A second study found that marijuana appears to change the brain structure of young men with a high genetic risk of schizophrenia.


Check out Loma Linda University

Starts Tomorrow in LA –  Luxe Hotel Sunset & 405

Caveat Emptor?
Pharmaceutical industry is fueling an epidemic of youth drug abuse  
We are losing a generation of young people to drug abuse, and it’s time to hold the drug dealers accountable… I am talking about the white-collar corporate leaders of the pharmaceutical industry. Here are just a few examples of the settlements and criminal and civil penalties assessed through the Department of Justice: Pfizer, 2009, $2.3 billion; Novartis, 2010, $423 million; Glaxo-SmithKline, 2011, $3 billion; Johnson & Johnson, 2012, $1.1 billion; Merck, 2007, $670 million; Eli Lilly, 2009, $1.4 billion; Abbott, 2012, $1.5 billion; Purdue, 2007, $634.5 million.

Maps reveal amount of drink and drugs countries really do
The maps, created by Recovery Brands, compare drug use in America and Europe using UN statistics. The US tops the chart for opioid use, prescription drugs abuse and amphetamine-type stimulants, as use as well as cocaine.

Old Friends
Senior Citizens have ‘highest rate of drug overdose death’   
Of the nearly 23,000 deaths in the U.S. attributed to prescription drug overdose in 2013, more than 70 percent resulted from the abuse of opioid painkillers, according to figures released this year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These drugs-the most common of which are oxycodone and hydrocodone (sold under the brand names Oxycontin and Vicodin, respectively)-are increasingly being prescribed to older Americans.

Talk is Cheap … Like Heroin VIDEO
#WhatsWorking: Treatment For Heroin Addicts VIDEO
Live Tapped Conversation/Debate: Originally aired on August 27, 2015
Darrel Stephens @MCCAED (Charlotte, NC)Executive Director, Major Cities Chiefs Association
Keri Blakinger @keribla (Union City, NJ)
Former Heroin Addict & Prison Reform Activist
Dan Langloss @ChiefLangloss (Dixon, IL) Police Chief, Dixon Police Department
Michael Collins @drugpolicyorg (Washington, DC)
HOST: Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani
@CaroMTPolicy Manager, Drug Policy Alliance

Twelve Promises: Rewards of Recovery


A Sad Horrible Irony RIP, One of Us VIDEO
Man driving to AA meeting killed by drunk driver VIDEO
A recovering alcoholic on his way to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was killed by an alleged drunk driver while riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle in Somersworth, N.H. Reed Hindle, 61, battled addiction his entire life, according to his family. His sister Meredith Patrick was helping her brother on the road to sobriety…After he got sober, family and friends say Hindle dedicated his life to helping others.

Saving Them a Virtual Seat
TV’s most memorable drunks  
The best characters aren’t perfect and, when it comes to personal flaws, alcoholism basically writes itself. It can produce hilarious comedy and intense melancholia, creating scenarios ranging from the absurdist to the intimately introspective. While once a minor stock character falling off his bar stool, the loveable drunks on our screens have become increasingly more diverse of late, exploring their battle with the bottle in ways that are less likely to involve slapstick and more likely to involve lying on a leather couch.

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Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

With a Name Like That…
Tila Tequila Blames Her Adolf Hitler Comments On ‘Drug Addiction’ After Getting Kicked Off ‘Celebrity Big Brother’
Tequila’s prompt exit stems from comments she made in a 2013 blog post supporting Adolf Hitler. In the post, titled “Why I Sympathize With Hitler Part 1: True History Unveiled,” the 33-year-old said Hitler was a “good man” and asked for Jewish people to “forgive and forget.” Channel 5 told E! Online in a statement they were unaware of Tequila’s comments prior to casting her…

Enjoyable Till It’s Not
Neuroscientist says addiction’s no disease
For decades the medical profession has largely treated addiction as as a chronic brain disease. The US government’s National Institute on Drug Abuse characterises addicts as compulsive drug seekers and users who continue taking drugs despite harmful and unwanted consequences. “It is considered a brain disease.” Guardian Australia sat down with Lewis before his appearance at Melbournewriters festival on Sunday and the festival of dangerous ideas in Sydney to talk about the controversy, as well as his theories on how addiction can be treated and overcome…

What do alcoholics, obese people and pregnant people have in common?
People who are dangerously overweight, pregnant or abusers of alcohol are all at risk for a syndrome that could cause brain damage and memory loss. But doctors say there is a simple solution to help keep them all healthy. Suzannah Hessler has a lot of healthy habits now, but a year ago … Suzannah was near death. She was on-again, off-again alcoholic since she was a teenager. A court order forced her into the hospital. It was there she found out…

Writers In Treatment
a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit

REEL RECOVERY FILM FESTIVAL is a social, educational, networking and recovery forum showcasing first-time filmmakers and experienced professionals who make films about addiction and recovery. Our audience is treatment professionals, people in recovery, members of the entertainment industry, media representatives, educated moviegoers and the general public.
If you or someone you know has a film about Addiction OR Recovery,
please click on our:
Addiction/Recovery eBulletin Publisher & Editor:
Leonard Buschel
© 2015 Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

September 1 Addiction Recovery eBulletin

Leonard Buschel

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