Q&A with Star of Coronation Street, Kevin Kennedy

Kevin Kennedy is probably best known for his 20-year portrayal as “sex symbol” Norman (Curly) Watts in Coronation Street, the world’s longest running soap. Since leaving the cobbles, Kevin has found success starring in several West End productions, as well as travelling the world in theatre shows. Kevin currently lives on the south coast of England in Brighton, with his wife, and co-founder of Kennedy St CiO, Clare, and their two little girls, Katy May and Grace.

Kevin had a very public battle with his alcohol addiction until he entered active recovery over 20 years ago. Now an advocate of recovery, he dedicates much of his time to running a private practice, Addiction Management UK, with wife Clare, working within corporate businesses, addressing recovery in the workplace. He also volunteers in the local community, working with faith-based groups, on recovery projects, specifically supporting the homeless and marginalised groups. He is the patron of Kennedy St CiO. The mission of Kennedy St CiO is to promote recovery from addiction; improving health and wellbeing, encouraging and promoting social inclusion, through education, training and personal development. “It is not events, circumstances, or people that are the source of our well-being, it is our own created thoughts and beliefs that give us meaningful experiences from moment to moment. Realising this helps us to uncover our true identity, tap into our internal resilience, which in turn embeds a want to achieve our greatest potential in life.” Kevin Kennedy.

Kennedy Street CIO

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? and when did you stop using?
A. My drug of choice was more; more chocolate, more vodka, more cocaine.

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate.
A. Definitely an illness, but the romantic devil-may-care part of me quite likes the other choices as well.

Q. Do you log on to ZOOM 12-step meetings? How often? Do you share?
A. Not a fan of zoom meetings as my attention is always drawn to something more interesting on the carpet or out the window.

Q. Have you added anything to your Tool-kit to help keep you sober during the pandemic?
A. “A day at a time” has never been more relevant and if I keep this at the heart of the day, tomorrow is always a better day.

Q. Where did you grow up?
A. Manchester, United Kingdom

Q. From what school or teacher did you learn the most?
A. Mr. Wells my drama and English teacher, we are still in contact today.

Q. If you had an extra million dollars, which charity would you donate it to?
A. We have our charity so probably I’d give to kennedystreetCIO

Q. Who is your favorite poet?
A. Shakespeare, any filthy Limerick.

Q. If you were putting together a time capsule from 2020 what 5 things would you put in it?
A. PCP, more PCP and despair

Q. Are you more inclined to believe in UFO’s or life after death, or both?
A. Both

Q. Do you believe in God or a Higher Power?
A. Yes

Q. What book(s) have you read more than once?
A. The Big Book (obviously), Piece of Cake by Derek Robinson and anything by Mr. King.

Q. What is your FAVORITE weekly news bulletin?

Q. Do you have any children?
A. 2 girls Katy 16, Grace 15, Both sobriety babes

Q. Have you started any new projects because of the quarantine?
A. Apart from the charity stuff, I’ve taken on a guitar Chicago blues, of course.

Q . If you ever retire would you prefer to live by the ocean, lake, river, mountaintop or penthouse?
A. As I’m an addict I’d like one of each please.

Q. What is your favorite hotel or resort?
A. The Disney Polynesian, Florida

Q. What is your biggest or littlest pet peeve?
A. I’m trying to lead a peeveless life, BUT ignorance and Donald trump…

Q. Who has had the biggest influence on you throughout your life?
A. A list far too long … my parents, my friends, my peers, my teachers my God … and the Devil.

Q. If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, living or dead, who would they be? (choose 4 if you think one might be too drunk or stoned to attend.)
A. God, the Devil, Peter Ustinov and the Pope

Q. What books are you reading now?
A. Sadly I haven’t been reading anything, just playing guitar and watching telly.

Q. What is your FAVORITE Radio show, news show, podcast?
A. CNN and FOX news the different views on the same subject are astounding and I really hope the British media do not follow suit.

Q. What is your FAVORITE APP?
A. Anything sport or pick-up truck ( I own a ranger) orientated

Q. Are you bingeing on any TV series? If so which ones.?
A. I like to visit old favourites, the Sopranos, Peaky Blinders and the classic, Band of brothers

Q. Which film have you watched the most?
A. Jaws

Q. Who is your FAVORITE Director?
A. Spielberg

Q. Who is your favorite sober celebrity?
A. Tony Hopkins a inspiration and a brilliant master of his craft.

Q. What/Who is your FAVORITE Band/composer/musical artist?
A. Steve Earl, Thin Lizzy, Dwight Yoakam and pretty much any country music.

Q. What is your FAVORITE Broadway musical/play?
A. As an actor I’ve many favourites but Chicago, Blood Brothers; any art that makes you go “wow!”

Q. What is your FAVORITE City?
A. Miami, Barcelona and New York

Q. What is your FAVORITE Museum?
A. Imperial War Museum, London

Q. What is your FAVORITE Restaurant?
A. Joe Allen’s

Q. What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
A. A day at a time.

Q. What is the best piece of advice YOU’VE given?
A. A day at a time.

Q. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
A. Leaving my beloved drink and drugs behind.

Q. What is your biggest regret?
A. I tend not to have them unless I can fix it now.

Q. Have you ever been arrested and if so, for what?
A. The god that looks after alcoholics and small children has been kind to me … so no.

Q. What is the proudest moment in your life?
A. Personally, getting married and having my children. Professionally, every time I take the stage.