Smartphone Addiction

Is Social Media the New Smoking?


July 14, 2024 – The parallels between social media and smoking are striking. Both began as widely accepted societal habits before their negative impacts became apparent. In the same way that smoking was once ubiquitous and glamorized, social media influencers and highlight reels of a perfect Insta Life offer a shiny allure for young users.Social media platforms designed to keep users engaged through dopamine-triggering algorithms arguably pave the way to addiction similar to nicotine. However, this comparison is flawed. Unlike smoking, social media also offers significant benefits, from connecting people across distances to providing platforms for education and social movements.

The key lies in finding balance and promoting responsible use. While warning labels may raise awareness, the solution likely involves a combination of education, improved platform design, and personal responsibility. We should focus on fostering a healthier relationship with technology rather than demonizing it. 


C Luke

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