12 Step Program

Sobriety struggle in time of isolation for former boxer Mia St. John

Not Down for the Count – April 2, 2020 - “And that was that,” St. John said. “I was gone…

5 years ago

For those struggling with alcoholism, there are online options

I hope you have a computer! –   MARCH 25, 2020 - For recovering alcoholics, “Go to a meeting,” is…

5 years ago

Overcoming Addiction On Your Own Is Totally Possible

Don’t scuba dive alone... –  March 27, 2020 - But quitting is not impossible, though it is hard and may…

5 years ago

How to Apply 12 Step Principles During Covid-19 Times by Dr. Tian Dayton

A Must Read! –   March 25, 2020 - We have experienced helplessness, before, it is a natural reaction to…

5 years ago

12-step programs more effective at maintaining sobriety

Promises Not Promotion –   MARCH 11, 2020 - In fact, the evidence suggests that 42 percent of all study…

5 years ago

Not Even 9/11 Could Shut Down AA Meetings. Coronavirus is Different.

Sobriety comes first, no matter what – Mar. 13, 2020 - The woman said she would still have phone call…

5 years ago

Opinion: Jailing individuals for drug addiction is immoral

War On The Wounded –  March 3, 2020 - The Controlled Substance Act distinguished five different “schedules” for drugs to…

5 years ago

Addicts & Alcoholics to Spend $31.17 Billion on quitting by 2027

Steps, Stock Markets and Meds –                     Feb. 20, 2020 -…

5 years ago

Coronation Street actor helps addicts in Brighton

A couple of swells – Jan. 31, 2020 - Kennedy Street has helped other projects set up their own social…

5 years ago

In ‘Smacked,’ tale of addiction behind a veneer of success

MEDIA: Book Review – Jan 30, 2020 - Zimmerman begins “Smacked” with her dramatic discovery of Peter’s corpse in his…

5 years ago

Anonymity – A New Paradigm?

Admitting that you're in a Twelve Step group is officially condoned by the fellowship, while confessing you're in AA is…

10 years ago