Artist’s Corner – Cliff Brodsky

Artist’s Corner – Cliff Brodsky

August 7, 2018

The Artist’s Corner is a new weekly feature of the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin. We send our participants forty questions and ask them to choose twenty they would like to answer. It includes a short profile and a link to their website. We hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin or its staff.



Cliff Brodsky is an Addiction Advocate. He began fighting to protect the Los Angeles Recovery Community from criminals like Chris Bathum and his fraudulent enterprise, Community Recovery LA. On Dec. 12, 2011, Cliff found out that his $650,000 investment in Walking Miracles, founded by Bathum, was stolen and used to fund dozens of fake companies that were set up to steal from people seeking help with substance abuse. Once Cliff understood what had happened to him, he began his career as an Addiction Advocate. He filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy 9 days later and thus began his 6 year struggle of legal battles against Bathum. Cliff tried to save the company, but Bathum had embezzled every penny of his investment. Walking Miracles never acquired a license and the entire business was a scam from the beginning.

Over the past 6 years Cliff was compelled to spend and additional $500,000 and hundreds of hours fighting back against Bathum to seek justice for himself and many other victims affected, whom would not have had the funds to do so themselves. Cliff’s life was in constant jeopardy due to multiple murder plots against him after becoming the primary source of evidence and information to the FBI and Police. Fortunately, Cliff was able to prevail in court, and Bathum was arrested for Fraud and Rape 4 years later. During these 6 years, Cliff learned the hard way via the school of hard knocks, and became an expert on Substance Abuse Fraud, thanks to Chris Bathum: the #REHAB MOGUL. The Advocacy happened organically as hundreds of victims and families had been following Cliff’s daily social media campaign to expose CRLA. After working with them all, on a daily basis, sometimes in crisis, Cliff evolved into his new role as an Advocate. Recently Cliff was recognized by the House of Representatives for his dedication to Addiction Advocacy in California.

Cliff Brodsky – Addiction Advocate


Q. What is the proudest moment in your life?

A. Leading the charge in the campaign to expose, fight, and bring to justice: Chris Bathum, which created my self and true identity as an: Addiction Advocate.

Q. At which classes or workshops did you learn the most?

A. Very good question. First there was Sigmund Freud, and then Carl Jung, and then John Bradshaw. I consider myself a “Bradshawian”

I have attended at least this many John Bradshaw weekend workshops in:
Healing The Shame That Binds Us
Home Coming
Family Secrets
Letting Go Of Mother
Healing The Father Wound
The Grief Workshop
Creating Love
Return To Virtue

Q. What is your preferred form of artistic expression?

A. Playing Piano, Writing Songs, and Producing Artists.

Q. Which film have you watched the most?

A. Being There – Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine

Q. Who is your favorite celebrity in recovery?

A. Joe Walsh (I have a Joe Walsh story, that’s pretty cool. One time I was jamming with a bunch of rock stars, including Joe W., and we were doing a blues jam. Everyone got to take turns soloing in the middle 12 bars. After Elliot Easton finished (he’s in the Cars), it was my turn. Elliot turned around and gave me the signal to skip my turn (obviously I’m not a rockstar, but still, it was just a backyard pool party jam, so he was just being a dick). Then, out of nowhere, Joe Walsh stands up and yells at Elliot and says, “Let Cliff play, don’t be an asshole”.

That was pretty cool: Joe Walsh stood up for me and protected my musical honor. I’ve actually shared that in my Monday night “Life Boat” men’s meeting and publicly thanked Joe W. for doing that to me, while he was sitting 10 feet from me. This story may not sound like a big deal to the average person, but from that moment on, I’ve had a tremendous amount of respect for Joe because what he did for me, (and just in general he’s done a lot for the world of recovery).

Q. What is your favorite hotel or resort?

A. Parrot Cay-Turks & Caicos with San Ysidro Ranch a close second.

Q. How do you measure success?

A. By the joy I create for others while being of service to many in a profound way (for free, and without asking for “credit”).

Q. If you had an extra million dollars, which charity would you donate it to?

A. Neda Nobari Foundation

Q. Who was your biggest influence throughout your life?

A. Elvis Presley. However, during college at Berklee is when I found: Todd Rundgren. His work has profoundly influenced my entire music career the most, by far, of anybody or thing. Although the Beatles were a close second and Led Zeppelin a close third.

Q. What is your current hobby?

A. Chess (and Archery when I have more time).

Q. What prominent female figure would you most like to date?

A. Jessica Biel, by far!

Q. If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, Living or dead, who would they be? (you can choose 4 if you think one might be too drunk or stoned to attend.)

A. Richard Bach, Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Q. What is your favorite: Non-fiction book genre?

A. Memoirs

Q. What is your favorite: Band/composer/musical artist?

A. The Beatles

Q. What is your favorite: Broadway musical/play?

A. The Sound of Music

Q. What is your favorite: Psychology or school of thought as related to psychology?

A. Everything John Bradshaw and Pia Mellody. From my point of view: there is nothing better. Although, the 12-Steps are fundamental as a foundation to BEGIN to understand those two pioneers in truly treating Addiction. (Just so you know, I’ve been to the Meadows 3 times, attended the Survivors I and II week long sessions, and a third with my girlfriend for couples). Pia Mellody runs The Meadows and John Bradshaw was a senior fellow and major part of that hospital for years. He recently passed away.

Q. What is your favorite album of all time?

A. Dark Side of The Moon

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, a disease, a choice, or a wicked twist of fate?

A. Addiction is a symptom of Co-Dependence stemming from child hood Trauma. Neuroscience shows us that Chemical Imbalances are Medical and Physical. Plus maybe 10% “AA” definition thrown in the mix of: Physical Allergy, Mental Obsession and Spiritual Sickness. Personally, my “addiction” came from abandonment, abuse, neglect, shame, untreated severe ADHD, severe learning disabilities, GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). Which also includes Performance Anxiety with: Sex, Speech, Linear Thinking, and playing the Piano.

Or you could just say I’m a “regular alcoholic”, pretty much the same thing, just massively watered down and over simplified which has caused thousands to commit suicide and overdose because they were told NOT to take medicine for their physical brain injuries.

My personal assistant Robert R, who worked for me for 3 years took his own life last year, because his sponsor told him not take anti-depressants. He told him to work a better program and quit crying a whining. So then Robert stole my 38-hand gun and blew his brains out.

I have a problem with sponsors in AA who are morons and dangerous, uninformed assholes who tell people incorrect and massively damaging and hurt lies about mental illness. Addiction isn’t the same as mental illness. They are co-occurring diseases.

Many, many people in AA don’t have mental illness. They are just regular alcoholics. Then there are some that are sicker than others.

I’m in that category. Fortunately, I’ve been able to get 24 years clean and sober and build a successful music career and am currently managing 31 investments that I own in the multi-platform asset classes of: 5 single family homes, 2 solar power projects in Hawaii, 3 oil and gas wells, commercial real estate, REITS, fine art, micro loans, and dozens of other cool projects.

I’m not just a piano teacher and sober guy who “hangs out”.

Q. What are five things you always carry with you?

A. My iPhone, keys, credit cards, cash, watch. (but more importantly:

Q. What is your favorite concert venue?

A. Disney Hall, has fantastic acoustics.

Q. What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?

A. Fighting two home invaders with hand to hand combat when they came IN to my apartment to steal my studio, weed and cash; with a gun, knife and handcuffs. That was a risky event, especially when I threw the first punch! Fortunately, it wasn’t a real gun and the knife wasn’t very big (just a razor sharp box cutter). It was the handcuffs that really spooked me. I thought to myself: “Don’t let them get the handcuffs on, because then I don’t have a fighting chance”.

Q. Would you like to share a favorite quote?                        

A. “Love is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” – John Bradshaw

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin or its staff.