My secret to happiness is, “I don’t mind” – 

August 31, 2019 – Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually restructuring the actual physical structure of your brain.  Imagine that!  Jon Kabat-Zinn, creator of the research-backed stress-reduction program Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), explains how mindfulness lights up parts of our brains that aren’t normally activated when we’re mindlessly running on autopilot. “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally,” says Kabat-Zinn. “And then I sometimes add, in the service of self understanding and wisdom.” Can you believe that through mindfulness practices, you can actually change the way your brain works? And can bring yourself to a calmer state regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself?  Or, is it that yoga and mindfulness are just too closely aligned with the eastern religious traditions of all those eastern people, which some Christians see as a threat to Christianity, particularly those who believe in the call to the global Christianization of all people.

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