March 10, 2022 – Through all of these stories, Cameron is able to stray away from being preachy or judgemental the way he always has: through humor. He’s not just a great writer, but an incredibly funny one, and similar to a great stand-up comedian, it makes it easy to listen to what he has to say. “Cancel Culture” is a cleverly-named song clearly meant to bait both the people who get excited to dogpile onto anything they deem Roganesque, and the people who are actively seeking out “woke mob” criticism — it ends up being a song about cultural appropriation. “Prescription Refill” comes off as the typical drug-love metaphor, but he’s not talking about cocaine or heroin, and is likening the way his lover brightens their outlook on life to prescribed Transitions lenses. These moments serve to remind the listener that you never really know if Cameron is joking or being serious, if he’s communicating his own feelings or those from a character he’s dreamed up, and that despite the serious material on the record, he’s still making music to have fun.
